Register and Log in window in Chinese
I noticed that the page view for registering and are still in English.
Please create Chinese version. I think there will be more people registered if the interface is in Chinese.
Here are the text:
Register for this site: 在本网站注册。
User Name 用户名
Email 电子邮箱
Fist Name 名
Last Name 姓
About Yourself有关你
Share a little biographical information to fill out your profile. This may be shown publicly. 分享一点您的信息。这些信息是公开的。
Which student group do you belong to? (if applicable, e.g: Italy, Ottawa, Montreal, Holland, Ireland, Atlanta): 你属于哪个学生组?可以用城市名,例如, 北京,济南等。
Password 密码
Confirm password 确认密码
Too Short 太短
Hint: Use upper and lower case characters, numbers and symbols like !"?$%^&( in your password. 提示:用大小写,数字和符号!"?$%^&等。
Validation Image: 确认图示
Enter the text from the image. 键入图示上的文字