WP Checkout Wishlist
- Change "Monthly Orders" to the title "Summary"
1-7 done, i remove the prices submenu since it's not used - Change "Best Customers" to "Best Customers by Number of Orders".
- Create "Best Customers by Total Sales". Rank the customers by the total amount.
- Monthly totals are fine as it is.
- Change "Best Sellers" to "Best Sellers by Number of Orders".
- Create "Best Sellers by Total Sales. Rank the product by total sales amount.
- Make changes to "Orders" listing option. Currently this page displays all orders. In the future when there are too many orders (thousands), the page display will be too slow and there is no need to display everything. Use this page as archive. Create a similar page that has inquiry option such as:
Type in From: To:
To get display of orders from a fix time period. Paypal uses this method.
i am using the wp way of pagination - I can also foresee that we can sell the online video option to other people who have videos for sale. Some of my disciples already want to do so. As long as the admin procedure is simple, we should be able to provide this service for a fee.
At this stage, we can do the admin work of posting the videos, but there should be a method of automatically calculating the sales by seller so that we can distribute the money. Say that we take a 20% and paypal the rest to the seller monthly, etc.
Source: https://practicalmethod.com/?p=9251