
Master Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson on Oct 22, 2021 - Kelvin Ho

Exercise 1:

Rubber between the hand and the foot. Bend down first. Lock the upper body. Push the kua forward towards the rubber.  The focus of this exercise is to train the kua, the use of power in the kua to extend the rubber. This is converting a horizontal movement to a vertical one. We want to train a great range of kua movement. Gradually, increase the tension of the rubber.

The above exercise trains a vertical movement. This is a precursor to the movement needed to do Six Sealing Four Closing.
Exercise 2:

Push the kua up and out towards the line between the two hands to cause the front hand to go forward.
We can do it in 3 stages:
  1. Push the kua up to change the front hand pointing direction from down to horizontal.
  2. Push the rear shoulder down at 45 degrees to cause the front hand to go forward horizontally.
  3. Open the front armpit to cause the front hand to go forward horizontally even further.
At all times, the front hand is moving forward. In order to prevent the body and the front kua from going backward, we need the front foot to take a shovel step forward.  The stretch should be at back of the front knee by pressing the front kua down to reach the front heal, then we can move the front knee forward. This is a negative circle on the front leg.

Class Video: