
Master Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson on July 24, 2021 - Kelvin Ho

Three ways of talking about our actions:
  1. Separation of Yin and Yang
  2. In and Out
  3. Lead
Other analogies:
  1. Thread, fabric, needle
    1. Needle is outside leading.
    2. Fabric is the barrier.
    3. Thread is inside being pulled.
  2. Leading thing must be hard, what is being led is soft.
  3. Head must be hard, arm must be soft.
  4. Bone is hard, skin/muscle is soft.
  5. Top of the head must be hard, whatever below must be soft.
  6. This is the training for reversal of yin and yang.
  7. Soft means always going around.
  8. Stiff is strong.
3 focuses on training yilu:
  1. Heavy cloak on the shoulder to focus on stretching the head up.
  2. Tie rubber band at the elbow to keep them from going out.
  3. Put a spring-loaded rod between the two knees to keep from collapsing.
Any thing free is a catalyst.
Your existing things are 2-dimensional.  Our taiji trains us to be 3-dimensional.
Hand is 3-dimensional while the torso is 2-dimensional.
