Master Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson on July 24, 2021 - Kelvin Ho
Three ways of talking about our actions:
- Separation of Yin and Yang
- In and Out
- Lead
- Thread, fabric, needle
- Needle is outside leading.
- Fabric is the barrier.
- Thread is inside being pulled.
- Leading thing must be hard, what is being led is soft.
- Head must be hard, arm must be soft.
- Bone is hard, skin/muscle is soft.
- Top of the head must be hard, whatever below must be soft.
- This is the training for reversal of yin and yang.
- Soft means always going around.
- Stiff is strong.
3 focuses on training yilu:
- Heavy cloak on the shoulder to focus on stretching the head up.
- Tie rubber band at the elbow to keep them from going out.
- Put a spring-loaded rod between the two knees to keep from collapsing.
Any thing free is a catalyst.
Your existing things are 2-dimensional. Our taiji trains us to be 3-dimensional.
Hand is 3-dimensional while the torso is 2-dimensional.