
Daqingshan Taiji Competition on May 29, 2021

Daqingshan Taiji Competition on May 29, 2021. This is part of the 2021 Wulian (county) official sport meet event. The Daqingshan Taiji Academy was subcontracted to organize the Taiji forms and Push Hands portion of the event.

Here are some photos.

[video width="960" height="544" mp4="青山绿水太极赛20210529-8.mp4"][/video]

[video width="960" height="544" mp4="青山绿水太极赛20210529-12.mp4"][/video]

[video width="960" height="544" mp4="青山绿水太极赛20210529-13.mp4"][/video]

[caption id="attachment_75872" align="alignnone" width="1024"] default[/caption]

[video width="960" height="544" mp4="青山绿水太极赛颁奖典礼20210529-1.mp4"][/video]
