
Master Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson on Oct 20, 2020 - Kelvin Ho

Chinese Class

Negative Circle
  • In-with-elbow, Zhuan Guan, Out-with-hand
  • We have get the proper ideal image in our mind, even though we can't do it properly at this point.
  • We must be expressive in our movement during training, so the teacher/instructor can see your intent.
Rotation is when there is movement without displacement.

Every movement needs to be like a tidder todder.

Fetch Water
  • The front elbow needs to go in towards the dantian.

English Class

Twisting the Towel
  • In-with-elbow towards the line coming out of the belly button to squeeze the hand forward. Alternate between the two elbows.
Fetch Water
  • Use the two elbows to rub (搓 cuo) the rod (front shoulder-kua axis). This is the same as to rotate a rattle drum.
Six Sealing Four Closing
  • Use the two elbows to rub a cylinder in front of the chest
  • We need to make sure that the front hand and the rear elbow are on the same line.
  • We want to be like the hour hand and minute hand of the clock at 6 o'clock, where the tips of the hand are farthest apart. At other times, they will not be at 180 degrees, and i.e. the distance between the tips will be shorter than the maximum.
Positive Circle
  • Out-with-hand: The hand leads to go out, then it pulls the elbow, shoulder, and then the waist.
  • In the 3rd count, we need to go over. Going over what? Going over the line between the front hand and front shoulder.
  • Going over is also synonym of being able to separate.
  • Our actions must be switching between going together, and separating.  If we are always separating, there is no movement.  Think about how a worm moves.  In the positive cirlce, in-with-elbow will bring the upper arm to the torso, and then out-with-hand will separate the upper arm from the torso.
  • This is also the concept of 物极必反 wu ji bi fan, when things get to the extreme, they will reverse themselves. Other examples include:
    • A slinky running down the stairs.
    • In computing, client/server vs  centralized computing.
    • Companies merging and splitting
    • Countries separating and uniting
  • In every one of these examples, the cycle keeps going, and the object just switches between the two states repeatedly over time.
Negative Circle
  • In-with-elbow: Use the waist turn to initiate the move, it then pulls the shoulder, the elbow and lastly the hand.  (Opposite to the out-with-hand sequence)
  • Every part that is pulled is reluctant to be moved.
  • Think of how to lift a long rope off the floor from one end. Each section of the rope will be lifted sequentially.
Double Positive Circle
  • Not enough in-with-elbow for all of us.
  • Out-with-hand is responsible for stretching the horizontal line.
  • In-with-elbow is responsible for stretching the veritial line. Without the body going down, elbow is stretched against the head.
Q & A
Front kua is always higher than the rear kua.

The front kua can be the pivot. Getting the rear kua down brings up the hand like a lever.

We can never change direction actively. However, the direction can be changed by putting a restriction there, e.g. the water flows inside the tube, and it is really only going forward, However,  its flow will follow the direction change of the tube.  The wall of the tube is the restriction that forces to change from its intented course.

For the knee to go down, it does not really go down. We need to put a restriction in front of the knee in concept. However, what we actually do is to not allow the ankle to bend forward. This is known as erecting the ankle 竖踝. This will also cause the calf to elongate.

Threshold, peak, inflecting point, and demarcation are names that mean the same thing in different situations, scenarios or usages.  It is a point which marks the place behond which things are not the same as before.