
Power Conversion

The main principle of Practical Method is:
  • Separation of yin and yang
on which all cencepts and actions are based.

The major concept of Practical Method is:
  • Indirect power
There are two categories of actions:
  1. Lock the two ends, move the middle.
  2. Lock the middle, move the two ends.
In order to have indirect power, actions go through two classes of power conversions:
  1. T class
  2. Y class
These classes can be further broken down into four types:
  1. TR2L - When an action is rotational, the result is linear.
    • In Fig. 1, when rotating on the AC line, energy goes out from A to B and D. The result is tangential to the AC rotation at B (going into the page).
    • The direction of the rotation on the AC line can be reversed, causing the tangential move at B to be reversed.
    • Category: Lock the two ends, move the middle.
    • Example: Spinning a rattle drum.
  2. TL2R- When an action is linear, the result is rotational.
    • In Fig. 2, when moving B around A while A is not moving, the energy goes from B to A. The result is rotation on the AC line
    • The direction of how B moves around A can be reversed, causing the direction of the rotation on the AC line to be reversed.
    • Category: Lock the middle, move the two ends..
    • Example: Turning an auger
  3. YH2V - When an action is horizontal, the result is vertical.
    • In Fig. 3, when B and D move towards each other, the energy will go torwards A. The result is the AC line moving downwards.
    • B and D can move away from each other instead, causing the the AC line to move upwards.
    • Category: Lock the middle, move the two ends.
    • Example: Squeezing a tooth paste
  4. YV2H - When an action is vertical, the result is horizontal.
    • In Fig. 4, when AC line moves upwards, the energy will go from A to B and D. The result is B and D will move away from each other.
    • The AC line can move downwards instead, causing B and D to come together from each other.
    • Category: Lock the two ends, move the middle.
    • Example: Open and closing an umbrella
Actions as described in T and Y classes of power conversions can be combined.
  1. Rotating one gear that is attached to another is TR2L + TL2R.
  2. Opening an umbrella while turning it is TR2L + YV2H.
  3. Unscrewing a cork from a wine bottle is TL2R + YV2H.
Looking the T bar from the top is a simple lever between B and D with A being the pivot.

DAB in the Y bar form a triangle as described in: