
Vienna Workshop June 3-4, 2017

[caption id="attachment_50943" align="alignleft" width="400"]Vienna Workshop Group Photo 2017 Day One Vienna Workshop Group Photo 2017 Day One[/caption]

Vienna, June 3-4, 2017   Host: Pawel Muller.
Assistant: Brennan TohIMG_9427IMG_9425IMG_9424When I arrived in Vienna, Brennan Toh of Canada, Sevastianos of Greece, already arrived the day before.
I gave a public two-hour introduction last year. This is my first Practical Method workshop in Austria.

Good to return to land of bread and butter, and coffee.

Taiji, makes us smile!

June 3, 2017

1. Every body part must be pulled open.
2. Each body part can only have one function.
3. Don't trust yourself. Trust the teacher.
4. Don't trust your teacher. Only trust your own judgement. Try to touch and feel what the teacher does.
5. Don’t trust yourself. Don’t trust the teacher. Only trust the principles.

1. Pawel Muller
2. Brennan Toh
3. Fabian
4. Tim
5. Neal Zokawski
6. Sevastianos
7. Barbara Ecker
8. Dzintars
9. Lutz

1. The four cardinal energies of taiji. I used the clock face to illustrate the four positions of 9, 12, 3, and 6 o’clock for peng, lu, ji, and an.
2. The training is about wuji ➡️ taiji ➡️ Wuji again. In between is yin and yang separation. They are in the form of yin/yang, hard/soft, long/short, up/down, left/right, inside/outside, fast/slow, etc.
3. Ten 13-moves
4. Student has lots of remnants of her old system. She has to learn the new system to replace the old one.
5. Push hands.

June 4, 2017
During the morning class in the park. We did 13-moves.
I talked about the gear. How adjacent parts cannot move in the same direction

1. Brennan Toh
2. Pawel Muller
3. Tim
4. Sevastianos
5. Neil
6. Lutz
7. Dzintars
8. Tajana
9. Fabian

1. ten 13-moves led by Brennan Toh
2. You must follow others in doing the 13th, regardless of whether you are able to follow. Your mind must engage the instruction and the training.
3. Tim must learn the form.
4. Dzintars must learn the form.
5. Pawel Muller: the form is still too small. Make larger moves. Stand lowers.
6. Tim has body tremor. Must overcome this problem by doing more yilus in a steady way. Must also be larger and with lower stance.
7. Moving step gongfa.
8. Separate the class into two groups. Brennan Toh works with the beginners. I work with the regular students.
9. Used “Step Up to Push” to show how energy moves into dantian in all three directions.
10. Energy has to come into dantian go out from dantian.
11. Free Push Hands

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Park morning training
Never engage your opponent with your core power. Your core power must at all times be free and independent, it can not lean into your opponent. Like two gears, you are never stuck and yet never disengaged.