What's the difference between Practical Method and other taijiquan or martial art?
Video in Chinese: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjkwODU2OTE2.html
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- Master Chen when answering the question focused on Practical Method itself, and left it to the audience to do the comparison, as he couldn't represent the other art.
- Practical Method's core is rotation. Spiral and silk reeling is rotation plus distance.
- We can never do true rotation. It's impossible for us to do 360 degree rotation. We can perform a lever action. A lever action is a part of a rotation.
- Form training is to create levers in our bodies.
- Grandmaster Hong Junsheng has the 10-word saying "Out with hand no elbow, in with elbow no hand". Lin Ketong calls it 10-word mantra.
- This mantra actually describes the lever action.
Source: https://practicalmethod.com/?p=48656