Taiji Ruler
Ruler is placed in front of middle dantian one palm width from clothing. Feet should be should width apart. Relax everything, tongue to roof of mouth at hard palate. Stand in this posture for three minutes.
Gathering the Qi and cleanse internally
Repeat 18 times.
Start at middle dantian. Reach out and up and forward until ruler is over head while inhaling, then circle inwards back down close to forehead, then press straight down while exhaling, strop at knee weight. Once there relax and straighten body by pushing feet into ground while returning ruler to dantian. No breathing. The mind pushes qi to the Yongquan. close 3 times and stand in wuji position for short time.
Dantian breathing
Repeat 18 times.
Start with arms extended in front of middle dantian. Then bring the ruler in, while breathing, into middle dantian, then breathe out to mingmen while moving the ruler back out (The breath can be noisy). Close three times and stand in wuji for a short time.
Dropping Qi
Repeat 18 times.
Start with the ruler at middle dantian. Then raise it to the sternum as you go up on your toes, breathing in, then drop the weight and ruler down to you knees, no further, while breathing out, making a "ha" sound to expel air with your whole body relaxed. NB the mind intent pushed weight to the Youngquan. Close three times and sttand in wuji for a short time.
Repeat 18 times.
Start at middle dantian. Push the ruler up and arcing out away from the face while breathing out, reaching a maximum height of just above the eyebrows, with you fingers in Yang. Reverse the directionand bring the ruler back to middle dantian while relaxing and breathing in, with your fingers in Yin. Close three times and stand in wuji for a short time.
Repeat 18 times.
Start at middle dantian. Then raise to the sternum and push with horizontala movement foward while breathing out, fingers in Yang, while expanding the mingmen. Withdraw while relaxing, bringing the ruler back to sternum, curving back into middle dantian, fingers in Yin. NB.Keep buttocks tucked in! Close three times and stand in wiji for a short time.
Repeat 18 times.
Start at middle dantian, then raise to sternum, followed by pressing strait down to your knees whaile breathing out, with you fingers in Yang. Relax and return the ruler to middle dantian by pushing feet into the floor, fingers in Yin. Close three times and stand in wuji for a short time.
Peng, Lu, Ji and An: A specific sequence
Repeat 18 times.
Stationary move. Peng up forty-five degrees then roll back in a small circle, and reach out and make a large circle back to the sternum (lu). Then push strait out (ji). After, pull strait back to the sternum and push strait down (an). Relax back up. NB. Fingers should be in Yang on the outward and downward moves, and Yin on the relaxed moves. Close three times, as usual, and stand in wuji for a short time.
Peng, Lu, Ji and An
Stepping moves, done nine times each side.
Step to the right forty-five degrees into a forward stance while pushing ruler strait out level with forehead (Peng). Then turn ruler vertical so that left hand is on top. Then, use waist, turn to the left while drawing in left lag and drawing in the ruler to the waist (Lu). Then step forward with the left leg while pushing ruler straight to the front (Ji). Then swivel/turn right allowing toes to turn also and push ruler straight down over the right knee (An). Close 3X and stand for a minute in wuji.
Source: https://practicalmethod.com/?p=2256