Looking for a good sword in Longquan
Longquan is about 4 hours south west of Hangzhou. I managed to fly to Hangzhou via Beijing on Feb. 26, 2011 after my flight from Vancouver. After spending the morning in Hangzhou, my friend Zhao and I started our drive to Longquan. As I do not have a driver's license in China, the burden of driving fell squarely on Zhao.
Visit to Shen Guanglong and the Wan Sword Maker. Here are some pictures of my visit to the most famed sword maker Shen Guanglong. He is the fifth generation direct lineage holder of a known sword making family on Longquan. His swords are official sword used in all government competitions in China.
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Wan sword maker is one of the popular ones in China. The system here is a ranking such as Qian (thousand) and Wan (ten thousand), etc. Here are some photos of the Wan Sword Maker that we visited.
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Source: https://practicalmethod.com/?p=11305